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Why You Should Throw Away Your Nail Polish: Toxic Ingredients

it’s no secret that girls love pretty-looking nails, so mani’s and padi’s are a requirement for many of them.

However, when wearing nail polish, you may be applying more than a color to your nails. New research shows that chemicals found in nail polish can actually leach into your body!

The Nail Polish Problem

We all know that there are some scary-sounding chemicals not only in cosmetics but in skin care products too. However, most of these ingredients are just that – scary sounding, but not, in fact, harmful to our health. That is not the case with nail polish – not only do most popular nail polish brands contain suspicious ingredients, they contain dangerous chemicals that are proven to be harmful to human health.

Recent research has shown that people who use nail polish absorb at least one hormone-disrupting chemical every time they paint their nails.

The most concerning chemical here is triphenyl phosphate, or TPP, which has been used in cosmetics since 1910. Earlier, it was thought that TPP poses no major risk to human health. However, recent research has found that there are real health risks about low-level TPP absorption over time.

For one, this chemical can be found in urine. The researchers did urine analysis of women who had received nail polish directly on their nails, and found that TPP can be found at high levels. What’s even more worrying is that after 14 hours, the women still had high levels of this toxic chemical in their urine samples.

Toxic Chemicals

The problem with TPP is its ability to disrupt the endocrine system once absorbed. In essence, it can affect hormone regulation, thyroid function, metabolism and even development, which is why is essential to avoid nail polish if you’re a child or you’re pregnant.

Besides being an endocrine toxin, TPP is also known to be:

Reproductive toxin,
Skin irritant.
However, this chemical is only one out of many others found to be harmful to human health. The following chemicals found in nail polish should also be avoided:

Dibutyl phthalate

Natural Alternatives

If you love the look of nail polish on your nails but don’t want to use toxic chemicals, try natural alternatives available. These brands do not use dangerous chemicals and are they’re safe to use:

Honeybee Gardens
Spa Ritual
Piggy Pain
Safe Nail Polish
Peacekeeper Cause-Metics
Best Amish Remedy for High Blood Pressure and Cholesterols


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