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Todays Health Issues

There are various healthcare issues that are in the minds of people and in the news nowadays. Perhaps due to the push for universal healthcare, misuses of the current healthcare system have come to light. The healthcare problems that plague Americans need to be addressed with intelligent discussion and comprehension. Issues is the abuse of emergency rooms by the bad. It's not their faults. They're simply responding to a situation by which they've no other recourse. For instance, a low income family can have a young kid with a cut finger. The parents could take the child to find the finger, if they'd insurance. 

They take the route of visiting the emergency room for the service, since they've no option. If the families were given coverage in the first place, this places a strain on emergency rooms and prices taxpayers. Healthcare issues such as this one are not easy to fathom when there are lots of sources of healthcare that is cheaper. Other healthcare issues involve preventative medicine. Insurance agencies all do not support the individual's right to remedies and preventative screening processes. This also makes healthcare less affordable in the long term. Many healthcare issues revolve around the older population. There are plenty of people who're given no or little help. 

Insurance agencies make drug policy available - at a cost that high that it can't be afforded by seniors. This does little to solve these healthcare issues. With there needs to be a system of communication on these issues. If they know where to have their thoughts on healthcare issues people might have an effect on their health care system. It's time for the government along with other organizations to give them a voice

Todays Health Issues


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